Friday night Savannah (age 6) finally convinced Mandy to let her have her hair cut short.
Charlotte (age 4 and nicknamed Charley) wanted hers cut also. Mandy told her they had just trimmed her hair maybe next time they would see about cutting it short.
Saturday morning, the only day Dave & Mandy get to sleep in, they are awakened by screaming and crying at 7:30. Savannah rushes into their room and says something about Charley being cut.
They bolt out of bed and race to Charley who is still crying, looking her over intently they do not see any blood, Charley is crying too hard to tell them where she is cut and Mandy finally notices on the left side that Charley has some hair cut off.
They calm her down so she can answer the question “ who cut your hair?”, she finally looks up and says to Mandy (Charley is holding the scissors in her hand during this whole ordeal) – “Don’t you b’member you did it last night?”
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