Thing's I've learned or heard through the years from kids.
There should be a sign in the cereal aisle requiring one adult per child. Otherwise it can get ugly - arguing over which cereal we should get this week. Mostly based on TV commercials not taste. Who's turn it is to pick, who gets the toy inside etc.
When Grocery shopping with a teenager you are better off giving him $5 and leaving him at the stores cafe.
Angie then age 4 informed me as I was clipping coupons out of the newspaper that she knew what Stayfree Maxi pads were for. Hesitantly, I replied really? What are they for? Angie's reply was you wrap them around your tennis racket handle for a better grip. I've watched some tennis matches over the years and have yet to see that particular grip enhancement used.
When teaching a teenager to drive (at the time it was David) the most important thing to remember is to phrase each instruction with "when I tell you to...." I can still remember David asking how do you see when you back he put the car in gear and hit the gas and we went backwards across the yard. Good thing we have 3 acres.
Logic of the youngest child can't be argued with. Angie and David came home from school and found a pan of brownies that had not been cut.....
Angie: cut the brownies Mom won't care
Dave: you sure?
Angie: sure we can have one.
Mom when she comes home- who said you could have brownies.
Dave - Angie did
Angie - but you cut them
Dave - but you said Mom wouldn't care
Angie - but you cut them
It did not matter what Dave said - Angie's comeback was always you cut them.
Ellie 11 to Savannah - Shut up
Savannah 5 - watch your mouth
Charley -4 = that's not fair Ellie can't see her mouth
Savannah 5 - asks Tiny how old he is on his birthday he tells her 56 - her reply - WOW I didn't know people could get that old.
Savannah's birthday was on a Tuesday this year so we went down the Sat/Sun before to celebrate. She reminded us several times that she was not 6 yet. Asked if we were coming back on Tuesday for her real birthday. I said no we had to work. Tuesday evening I call to wish her a happy birthday - first thing she asks is - Are you at work? when I reply - NO - She wants to know if we are on our way for cake.
Ellie then about age 5 - announces out of the blue - my Daddy sleeps naked. This is in front of her Mom, Grandfather, grandmother and Great Grandmother.
Ellie then age 5 as we are traveling in the car - announces my Mommy and Daddy go into the store and leave us in the car. Grandpa is starting to sputter what!! I asked do they both go in? to which Ellie replies - no one of them stays in the car with us but the other one goes in and leaves us.
Sunday Morning getting ready for church at Dave's. Angie sends the four girls in to brush their teeth. Angie fusses at one and tells them to put that brush back it is hers. then starts the we can't find our toothbrushes, Angie asks when do you have them last? Reply was - when we went to KY - maybe they are still in the suitcase (that was at least 6 weeks before) about this time the father figure comes down the hall, working on straightening his tie and getting ready to leave to go over his sermon one more time before church - and he quizzes them. It turns out only Ellie the oldest knows where her brush is and the other 3 have apparently been using hers after she left for school. Think of it.....and their other Grandpa is a Dentist.
The girls talk Dave into keeping a stray puppy. They name him Max. After a month or so as it grows, puts on weight they discover Max is really a girl. Dave explains to the girls that sometimes when they are little you can't tell but then when the get older you can and that Max is really a girl. Charley (short for Charlotte) later at supper asks - so does that mean when I get older I will be a boy?
I now know that the handle on the passenger side of the car/van inside is called the Oh dear bar - it is to hold onto when Momma turns, or stops suddenly - that is according to Jenna who says her Daddy grabs it and says Oh Dear.